Inorganic Materials Science

Course Code:

Π1 3040


3rd Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Yorgos Facorellis

Course Description

Course Theory

Classification of materials according to their structure. The bonds between atoms in solids: primary bonds. Bond energies. The metallic bond. Secondary or intermolecular bonds and their importance. Amorphous and crystalline solids. Isotropic and anisotropic materials.

Crystallography. Simple crystal structures: symmetry elements and symmetry; crystal lattice; the unit cell; crystal structures of solids. Crystallographic coordinates. Methods of analysis of materials crystal structure: X-ray diffraction. Defects in crystalline solids. The crystal structure of metals. Bravais lattices. Density of solids. Polymorphism and allotropy. Single crystals and polycrystalline materials. The crystal structure of ceramic materials.

Properties of solids. Diffusion in solids and favoring factor. Mechanical properties of materials: tensile testing; Young’s modulus; shear and torsional testing. Stress-strain diagrams (stress-strain). Deformation of solids. Elastic and plastic deformation. Hardness of materials. Hardness scale; Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, Knoop hardness scales. Failure of materials. Brittle fracture of ceramics. Fatigue of materials. Strengthening mechanisms of materials.

Phase diagrams. Alloys. Eutectic systems. Gibbs rule of phases. Phase transitions. Heat treatment of metals. Definition of corrosion in metals. Oxidation of metals. Electrochemical reactions and predicting the corrosion rate; passivasion. Special categories of materials: silicate and aluminosilicate minerals; glasses and ceramic materials: structure, properties, production and processing. Clays. Refractory and abrasive materials.

Course Practicals
The laboratory part of the course will include: X-ray diffraction: study of crystal structure, polycrystalline and amorphous materials. – Hardness Measurement: Correlation with the microstructure of materials. – Measurement of strength of materials. – Issues of chemical kinetics (effect of temperature and concentration of the reactants in the reaction). – Dynamic electrodes. – Construction of a galvanic element. – Determination of the hydrolysis constant and the degree of hydrolysis. – Factors of metals and corrosion protection using the sacrificial anode. – Gypsum properties. – Grain size distribution. – Mercury intrusion porosimetry.

The Scope of the Course: Students should be able to understand and visualize the crystalline and amorphous state of matter, its structures; predict the chemical and physical properties of major types of inorganic materials.
Course objectives: To provide the necessary background for: conceptualizing the various classes of inorganic materials in terms of their structure and properties; investigating the structure and mechanisms of materials degradation and corrosion.

Expected Learning Outcomes: After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
– Describe the basic crystal structures of metals and ceramic materials.
– Correlate their properties and predict their effect on the mechanical, thermal and chemical behavior.
– Investigate the degradation mechanisms of the above-mentioned inorganic materials.

Language of evaluation: Greek

Students’ evaluation (100%):
I. Written final exam in theory (50%) which includes, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, critical questions, comparison of data.
II. Evaluation of students’ performance at laboratory exercises which includes laboratory written assignments (technical reports) and short written evaluation (50%).
The student’s final grade results from 50% of the grade of the theoretical part and 50% of the grade of laboratory practice.

W. D. Callister, Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία των Υλικών, εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2004
Αρχαιοϋλικά, επιμέλεια: Λυριτζής Ι. Ζαχαριάς Ν. ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΠΑΠΑΖΗΣΗ, 2010
Ιωάννης Λυριτζής, Φυσικές επιστήμες στην αρχαιολογία, Εκδόσεις Τυπωθήτω: 1st edition (2005), ISBN: 960-402-182-6

Michael F. Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, and David Cebon, Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design, Βutterworth-Heinemann (April 13, 2007)
Pollard A.M. and Heron C., 1996, Archaeological Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry ISBN: 978-0-85404-262-3.
Henderson J., 1989, Scientific Analysis in Archaeology, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Monograph No. 19, UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Research Tools 5.
Steven Weiner, Microarchaeology: Beyond the Visible Archaeological Record, Cambridge University Press; 2010.

1. J. of Archeological Science,
2. J. of Cultural Heritage
3. Archaeometry
4. J. of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry