Undergraduate Studies

The Programme of studies at the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art of the School of Applied Arts and Culture is structured in accordance with the requirements of a modern institution of tertiary education, that seeks to offer its students a strong scientific-academic background; at the same time it serves the special multidisciplinary character of the field of Conservation.

The needs for acquisition of Knowledge and Skills by the students demand a multidisciplinary, as well as a composite practice. Therefore, the Department’s Programme of studies includes courses on basic and applied Science (Physics, Chemistry, Physicochemistry, Biology), Humanities (Archaeology, Art History), Arts, and Technological applications.

During the period of the eight (8) overall semesters, studies include theoretical lectures, laboratory practice, seminars, visits at the field, and the implementation of Assignments/small scale these, with emphasis on case studies, team led projects and the elaboration of the final Dissertation. The programme of studies dictates the completion of a three-month compulsory internship at a public or private institutions and companies, for the consolidation of knowledge acquired during the previous semesters.

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For information on Erasmus admissions please contact the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator, Asistant Prof. Stefania Chlouveraki: schlouve@uniwa.gr