Conservation of Natural History Objects (A’2)

Course Code:

Π1 8010Α2


8th Semester

Specialization Category:

Elective ( ΜΕ )

Course Hours:




The Scope of the Course:
Aim of the course is the comprehension of the origin, the artefacts technology and the deterioration factors that should be considering for the preventive and interventive conservation of Natural History Collections objects. These objects are derived from plant and animal organisms (organic structure) or may be minerals (inorganic structure). Some of the animal and plant materials have been subjected to specific processing (such as embalming, stabilization, fixing, etc.) while others such as geological /paleontological finds are treated as any other archaeological find. Students attending this course, acquire adequate knowledge and skills to deal with materials complexity, deterioration processes and conservation treatments. Additionally, students understand that these objects are units of a broader context and as such they should be treated when they are documented and during their conservation and restoration. Final goal of the afore mentioned is the student to understand the conservation/restoration methodology of the Natural History Collections objects, to preserve their natural, historical, and aesthetic integrity. Students would be able to manage the assemblage of the objects in an interscientific team framework (in the specific interpretative collection framework) to achieve the maximum protection from biotic and abiotic deterioration factors.

Learning outcomes
After the course completion, students should be able to understand:
• The structure, properties, and processing techniques of the Natural History Collections objects
• The main deterioration factors and diagnostic methods that can be applied to estimate the condition of the objects
And to plan / implement:
• Conservation treatment, enhancement of the objects considering their interpretative role in museum and their research potential
• Preventive conservation measures for the Natural Heritage Collections

Language of evaluation: Greek (English for Erasmus students).

Students’ evaluation (100%): for every exercise, individually or in group, by:
• Essay and written exams
• multiple choice exams
• short-term progress tests
• oral tests
Evaluation criteria reflect the achievement of the course outcomes for every student.

Carter D. and Walker A., 1999, Care and Conservation of Natural History Collections (Conservation and Museology), Butterworth-Heinemann

Metsger D.A. and Byers S. C., 1999, Managing the Modern Herbarium: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Vancouver: Elton-Wolf Pub., Deborah A. Metsger and Sheila C. Byers, editors

Rose, C.L. and de Torres, A.R. 1992, Storage of Natural History Collections: Ideas and Practical Solutions, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Rose, C.L. and de Torres, A.R., editors, (reprint 2002), ISBN 0963547607

SPNHC Reference Manuals, Storage of Natural History Collections: A Preventive Conservation Approach, Carolyn L. Rose, Catharine A. Hawks, Hugh H. Genoways, editors, ISBN: 0963547615

Καραντώνη Ε., Μαλέα Αικ., Παναγιάρης Γ., «Καθαρισμός φτερών ταριχευμένων πτηνών: Συγκριτική μελέτη», 29ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Ε.Ε.Β.Ε., Καβάλα 17-19 Μαΐου 2007, Πρακτικά σελ. 142 SPNHC Leaflet Publications