Conservation of Structural and Decorative Elements in Architectural Monuments

Course Code:

Π1 5020


5th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Description

Course Theory

The theoretical part of the course is aimed at enabling students’ understanding of the following: building techniques and the manufacturing of decorative elements in relation to the different supports and substrates; exhibition pathology such as  investigating causes and mechanisms of alterations;  the influence of humidity and to understand the physical and chemical phenomena associated with the occurrence of damage to the building and decorative materials; and the methods of investigation, documentation and study of conservation condition and the proposed conservation work.

The course is designed and taught according to the following basic principles: : – The history of conservation of architectural monuments;.  An understanding of the character, integrity / etc unity of architectural design; Knowledge and ability of the recognition of the materials and the expected operation; Knowledge and ability of identifying the different architectural elements and the expected operation; Report on methods to the architectural survey of historic buildings; – The diagnosis: a study of the pathology building and uncover the mechanisms of weathering of materials, construction and architectural elements; – The documentation and interpretation of information obtained during the survey;. – The ability to process and interpret research data;. The ability and knowledge to test and on-site analysis to design and execute the necessary interventions; – The ability to engage effectively with other disciplines working in the field of restoration of buildings; – Knowledge and application of internationally accepted principles on conservation interventions; –  references to the sub-section types of stone – structural mortar – coating; -references to the pathology, and in situ conservation of the murals;   references to the pathology, and in situ conservation of mosaics.

Course Practicals

The practical part of the course will include exercises and tests in the laboratory and in-situ on monuments. The exercises will include:

Survey and document the condition, and propose conservation of building and decorative materials.

The recognition, understanding, recording and documentation of the preservation state and pathology of these materials and components.

The study, recording and assessment of environmental conditions.


The Scope of the Course and Objectives

The Scope of the Course

It is to impart the necessary knowledge in preventive conservation, but especially interventive conservation, restoration and protection of building materials and decoration of historic buildings, including architectural structure or individual parts found in archaeological sites. The material parts embedded in this area are stone and mortar – a swab, as building and decorative materials, murals and mosaics, as a means of decoration. Secondly, we refer to other materials such as ceramic (tiles), glass, wood, and metal elements used for structural and decorative purposes.

Course objectives

To acquire the basic knowledge and skills. STUDENT ASSESSMENT Language of evaluation: Greek The student’s final grade results from 50% of the grade of the theoretical part and 50% of the grade of laboratory practice. Students’ evaluation (100%): THEORY (60%): Written final examination including short answer questions LAB PRACTICES (40%): Laboratory group work and public presentation SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Κορωναίου, Αιμ., Πουλάκου, Γ. (2002) Τεχνικά Υλικά τ.1, Ε.Μ.Π. 2. Κορωναίου, Αιμ., Πουλάκου, Γ. (2002) Τεχνικά Υλικά τ.2, Ε.Μ.Π. 3. Σκουλικίδης Θ.Ν. (2000) Διάβρωση Και Συντήρηση Των Δομικών Υλικών Των Μνημείων. Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης 4. Καραδέδος Γ. (2009). Ιστορία και Θεωρία της Αποκατάστασης. Θεσσαλονίκη: Μέθεξις 5. Cather, Sharon, (ed.) (1987) The conservation of wall paintings: proceedings of a symposium organized by the Courtauld Institute of Art and the Getty Conservation Institute, London, July 13-16, 1987. 6. David Watt and Peter Swallow, (1996)) Surveying Historic Buildings, Donhead Publishing Ltd. Journals: 1. Journal of Architectural Conservation 2. Journal of Cultural Heritage 3. Cement and Concrete Research 4. Studies in Conservation