Painting: Materials and Techniques

Course Code:

Π1 2040


2nd Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Leonidas Karampinis

Course description


This includes analyses of the sense of colour and its potentials, underlying principles of colour selection, contrast and harmonies, relationships between light, colour and vision as well as the basics of pigments, mixing, and colour terminology. Students learn about the specific technical methods, personal style, the manner for presenting various subjects, as well as the colour gamut used by known Greek and foreign painters, which is characteristic of their art.


The practical sessions include the following: Exercises used for teaching the relation between light and colour, the qualities of colours and their potential (primary, secondrary, warm, cold, gray, contrasting colours, harmonies, mixing techniques, colour terminology, etc.). Exercises using tempera and exerceses in which tempera is used in combination with the egg (byzantine art). Exercises using pigments in combination with the egg, and exercises using as a medium the vinavil glue. Exercises using acrylic and oil colours. Exercises teaching various techniques in combination with different materials.

The Scope of the Course and Objectives

The Scope of the Course

Knowledge and development of the fundamentals of the use of colour (brushes, painting surfaces, mediums, materials and techniques) for the creation of artworks used in the entire art history.

Purpose of the course

The students shall be able to discern the creation stages, and the different types of techniques and materials used in a work of painting.

The student’s final grade results from 50% of the grade of the theoretical part and 50% of the grade of laboratory practice.
Language of evaluation: Greek (English for Erasmus students).
Theory (50%): written essay
Laboratory practice (50%): Each student presents in the whole group of the course his/her exercises/works, defending their preferences and outcomes.

Greek and Translated in Greek:
ΙΤΤΕΝ Γ., Τέχνη του χρώματος: υποκειμενική εμπειρία και αντικειμενική γνώση σαν δρόμος προς την τέχνη, μτφρ. Ι. Ομορφοπούλου (Αθήνα 1998).
ΚΑΝΑΚΑΚΗΣ Ε., Η τεχνική του λαδιού (Αθήνα 1997)
ΛΕΟΝ ΜΠΑΤΤΙΣΤΑ ΑΛΜΠΕΡΤΙ, Περί Ζωγραφικής, εισ., μτφρ., σχόλ. Μ. Λαμπράκη-Πλάκα (Καστανιώτης 1994).
ΜΠΟΥΛΩ Σ., Η κρυφή γεωμετρία των ζωγράφων, μτφρ. Σ. Δήμου (Ε.Κ.Κ.Μ. 2002).
ΠΑΝΤΟΣ Θ., Το χρώμα: σύλληψη αντίληψη αίσθηση τεχνική (ΚΑΛΒΟΣ, 1990).
ΠΛΑΚΩΤΑΡΗ Κ., Υλικά και Τεχνική στην Ζωγραφική και Διακοσμητική (Ώρα 1987).
ΠΛΙΝΙΟΣ Ο ΠΡΕΣΒΥΤΕΡΟΣ, Περί της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Ζωγραφικής (Άγρα 1998).
ΣΤΕΦΑΝΙΔΗΣ Μ., Μια ιστορία της ζωγραφικής: από το βυζάντιο στην αναγέννηση και από τους ιμπρεσιονιστές στο Πικάσο (Καστανιώτης, 1994).
ΤΣΙΟΥΡΗΣ Γ., Το σχέδιο και το χρώμα μας αποκαλύπτουν (Ίων 2003).
BEARDSLEY M.C., Ιστορία των αισθητικών θεωριών (Νεφέλη 1989).
CENNINO CENNINI, Το Βιβλίο της Τέχνης. Η Πραγματεία Περί της Ζωγραφικής, ed. L. Rouart & J. Watelin 6, Place Saint-Sulpice Paris VI (Artigraf 1990).
COLE A., Χρώμα (Δεληθανάσης, 1994).
HOLLINGSWORTH M., Η τέχνη στην ιστορία του ανθρώπου (ΑΔΑΜ 1998).
TATE E., Εγκυκλοπαίδεια των τεχνικών της ζωγραφικής (Ίων 2000).
THOMPSON D.V., Αυγοτέμπερα: θεωρία και πρακτική, μτφρ. Α. Σπανός (Αρμός, 1997).
Non Greek:
BLAKE W., The Complete Guide to Acrylic Painting (Dover Publication 1997).
DORNER M., The materials of the artist (London 1998)
GAIR A., A complete Guide to Painting & Drawing Materials & Techniques (Chronicle Books 1996).
GLOUSE W., Acrylics (Hamlyn, 1993).
HINDLE Y., & SEYMOUR P., Paint theory, paint practice: materials and methodologies within contemporary painting practice (Lee 2001).
MAYER R., The Artist’s handbook of materials & techniques (Faber & Faber 1991).
STEPHENSON J., Materials and Techniques of Painting (Thames & Hudson 1993).
THOMPSON D.V., The material and techniques of Medieval Painting (Dover Publications, Inc. 1956).