Conservation of Photographs and of Works of Art on Paper (B’)

Course Code:

Π1 7030Β


7th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Description

Course Theory

Students will be able to observe the following with the use of treatment case studies on real objects: a) the history of the technical reproduction of images (prints and photographs), b) the manufacturing technology of video [g1] and related materials, c) the main painting techniques on paper and the materials used, d) the relevant terminology and definitions, e) the diagnosis of damage and deterioration mechanisms of the images f) the range of interventive restorations and their theoretical background (mechanical and chemical treatments), g) the selection of the treatments, h) the methodology of the applications and i) ethics governing the treatments.

Course Practicals

The practical part of the course includes a series of laboratory exercises through which the student will learn the technical equipment, the necessary tools and the materials used during the treatments. S/he will also practice the skills needed for optimal implementation of the interventions with alternative solutions. A final written report of the treatments implemented is required at the end of the practical work.

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students should be in a position:

To recognize the manufacturing techniques of photographs, engravings and works of art on paper.

To identify deterioration mechanisms and wear of the image.

To select and combine, on a case basis, the most appropriate conservation treatment so as to achieve the expected results.

To understand the theoretical basis of interventions.

To distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of each intervention and to evaluate the criteria of which to apply in each case.

To plan and select appropriate interventions to address specific cases.

The Scope of the Course and Objectives

The Scope of the Course

To introduce the student to: 1) the full range of techniques for the mechanical production of photographs,  engravings or prints  and  paintings on paper, 2) the unique characteristics for the deterioration that develop 3) the complete range of interventive treatments applied, 4) the theoretical background of treatments. In parallel the student develops: 5) the ability to choose the appropriate interventions taking into consideration the technique of creating the images and the factors of their distortion with the aim to achieve the expected results.

Course objectives

Is for the students to develop the necessary knowledge and the essential skills in the practical application of conservation treatments on photographs and works of art on paper.

Language of evaluation: Greek
Students’ evaluation (100%):
• Written exam
• Presentation by power point
• Oral examination

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