Plastic Arts

Course Code:

Π1 1050


1st Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Description

The course of Plastic Arts introduces students, regardless of direction, to the concept of volume and matter. Introduction to modern Greek sculpture. Laboratory exercises begin with a free subject in clay. Forms. Platonic solids. Volume composition.

Students then practice the exact repetition of a decorative pattern, the completion of damaged parts of a relief composition, and the completion of the damaged part of an all-embossed work. Imitation of corrosion of materials.

Next, they are taught the plastic design interpretation. Imprints on paper and textures. Transfer to clay. Magnifications. The course includes knowledge of plaster, copper and marble.


Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of volume and matter, to study and interpret the sculptural form and to understand the third dimension.
  2. Acquire skills related to the creation of plastic works.
  3. Have developed their aesthetic perception so that they can understand the structure and construction of a Sculpture work.


The Scope of the Course and Objectives

The course Develops students’ visual perception and visual research, approaching both of them as a code of communication that works through their aesthetic perception. It becomes a tool for students to transfer the visual phenomenon, but also a code of its interpretation. It cultivates the skills in understanding the concept of volume and matter. The study and interpretation of the sculptural form and the understanding of the third dimension. Develops in students, the appropriate skills related to the creation of Sculpture works.

Language of evaluation: Greek (English for Erasmus students).
Student assessment (100%):
PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF LABORATORY WORKS (Students support their choices and present their work to the whole semester team.)


Γ. Ίτεν – Αρμονικές χαράξεις – Αθήνα – 1961
142 Ελεύθερα σχέδια – Γιαννούλης Χαλεπάς – 2007
Γιαλούρης Ν., Αρχαία Γλυπτά, ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ, Αθήνα, 1998
Μυκονιάτης Η., Η Νεοελληνική Γλυπτική, ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ, Αθήνα, 1998
Ρόκος Κ., Η πεταλούδα του Ίνσενμπορν, Αθήνα, 2008.
Παππάς Γ., Κείμενα για την τέχνη 2, Αθήνα, 1983.
Καρούζος Χ., Αρχαία Τέχνη, Αθήνα, 2000.